
- How to inject a new scale to a small city?
Instead of his small dimensions, just 35,000 inhabitants, Hagesund have the opportunity to strength his position as a regional centre. The economical and cultural vitality of the city united to the strategic position in the regional citiessystem, can help to rethink the ambitions of the city and imagine a new territorial condition inside the city.
Our project tries to introduce a new dense scale combined whit the reinforcementof the local connections to the surrounding areas in order to create a new hub of activities inside the city.
- Strategy
To do this the project develops coherent program strategies in order to introduce a flexible master plan that allows to set new functions and actors to the context of the city.
The master plan strategy is based on the following steps:
- Main Grid: To reconnect the relation between the area and the surroundings, we set a main grid based on the module of the city centre plots. This grid allows to strength the pedestrian connections in the east – west direction between the city centre and the residential periphery, and between the big open spaces localized at the north and the stadium area in the south.
- Access and Circulation: The main grid works as a framework for a system of pedestrian network. Three DzBoulevardsdz are the main circulation axes of the project connecting all the parts of it. The central boulevard extends the main axisof the city centre to the residential areas.
The cars circulation is located in the perimeter of the project. The car access to the area is restricted to emergency vehicles and other occasional uses.
To avoid the use of the car the main parking lots are located just in the mainboulevard, an extra parking lot is possible to be located underground in the housing plots.
- Secondary grid: A secondary grid arranges a network of small-scale open spaces with different functions. The distribution guarantees his localization all around the
project creating a sort of Dzthematic parkdz. The functions can change depend on the season and the period of the year. - Solar envelope: The solar envelopes of each plot define the maximum built volume and the correct orientation and insulation of the buildings.
- Layering strategy: To set a good level of flexibility the design of the buildings are based on a strategy of superimposition of program layers.